Saturday, February 27, 2010

imagine this

You're married. You are in love with your lover. You're at their house, trying to resist each other because you have to go. You have your coat on, ready to walk out. But then you look at each other and have to have that last kiss. You take them in your arms, lay them down on the bed and kiss them. Quickly in the rush of emotions you undo each others pants, pull them down and fully clothed you become one. The connection is strong as usual and you are moaning in enjoyment! Just as you are in the middle of finishing,you hear your cell phone had dialed someone and there's a voice on the other line!!! Oh my god! Who did it call? Who was the last person dialed? What did they hear?

Imagine what that would be like!


Anonymous said...

Oh, know did you have that happen to you? Embarrassing wasn't it!
Can you recover from that, will things be ok?


Anonymous said...

Oh, that is bad, no matter who got called. Which is why our cell phones are always on the table (or as for me, in my purse).

Anonymous said...

And???? What happened next???

Has he been caught????

Anonymous said...

Where have u been???

Missing your blog terribly!!!

Hoping you are ok.