Thursday, June 9, 2011

he never stops

I am so disgusted with sperm donor that I don't even have the energy to blog about him. My therapist called me to tell me he called her yelling at her that she told me he was looking for a new therapist and I told my friend mike who told his therapist who then called the idiot! I don't like his therapist. He tells things that in my opinion, should not be repeated. He was trying yet again to manipulate another situation. have her say something to me like she can't be my therapist I dunno. But she said "he's self destructing and no matter how much he tries to destroy you and your relationships, stay strong! Don't let him get in between me and you, or you and anyone else that matters t you"

Remember when I blogged that he had called my daughters grandma who is like my mother to try and manipulate her to get me to have an abortion? To save HIS ass? He's crazy! He still is YET to admit to his own faults. If he can't manipulate me directly, he goes to my connections and my relationships. So desperate and so pathetic. I wonder if he sees the baby how he will feel. I pray it will calm him the fuck down and he will realize how stupid he's been. One can only hope and pray.

So I posted the picture I posted here on facebook. I have over 40 comments and 20 likes so far. Everyone was shocked and very nice. Some of the people asked the dreaded questions I don't want to answer like "I didn't know you were dated anyone. Who's is it?" My answer: a man. My sister answered back for me: it was an immaculate conception. The saddest comment I got was this: Congrats didn't realize you were in a relationship Hopefully he is a good man and will give you a great life.
Ha! Couldn't be more further from the truth! It was sad though because it made me think how horrible he's been to me. Oh well. I still have peace about my baby and I love her no matter what.

Anyway thanks for the comments. My daughter took that picture. I think I'll blow it up and frame it for her and my baby. Too bad I only have 3 pictures of me and him together. And Rafa- everytime you comment, I respond and you don't respond. Boo! Go back to the comments!

Can't think of anything else at the moment other than one last gripe that I can't comment on anyones blogs from my phone and when I can comment its anonymous. Ridiculous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's a dickhead! I know quite a few like him. I was in a kinda similiar situation but little different. At least "my man" wasn't anything like him and he even surprised me and came to my retirement party!!

If you want me to email you I can, but I do live very far from you!!
