Wednesday, June 29, 2011

the letter has been sent

i haven't had time to sit and write, but basically last week this bitch client of his who is his friend, who had called me at work in march to tell me i am ruining his life and how i should get a abortion, wrote me and him an email basically trying to accuse me to doing things i did not do, and trying to sabotage me at work and get me fired. so i went to management and explained who she was and how she had ulterior motives. i had had enough of his games!!! i finally called the lawyer. and he sent him a letter that i know he is probably freeeaking out about. i was so sick last night and today with anxiety from it. i just feel so bad about everything even though i know this is his own fault and he made it a war, i still feel bad and worry about him like crazy. here is the letter:

dear mr. douchebag,

please be advised that i represent c. my client has informed me that she is expecting a baby this fall and that you are the father. please call me to make arrangements for you to pay your share of her medical expenses not covered by insurance and for you to pay child support. if i do not hear from you by July 15th, 2011, i will seek the appropriate assistance from the court and i will request that the court require you to pay my client's attorneys fees. if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. thank you for your cooperation.

very truly yours, the ruthless lawyer.

he has to be freaking out and furious at me!!!!


Anonymous said...

As difficult as this was to finally do, I am hoping you begin to feel some sense of relief that you have made the right decision. He has had ample opportunity to show the colors he shared in those letters you posted. I hope you are able to have a relaxing and the baby deserve that.


Florida Dom said...

Just want to wish you good luck an the best for the future.


Anonymous said...

who cares about how he feels?

you go girl!! good for you!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful job! He can't get away with this, takes two to tangle. So glad you did this!

Keep us informed!

You're friend,