Tuesday, May 17, 2011

got my anticipated phone call

This morning as I was getting ready for my dreadful job, I had my phone sitting in the other room. I glanced at it as I walked by and noticed it was blinking. Its funny how we all get excited that we have a message on our phones but most of the time, its just some stupid junk email. But I check it anyway with hope that its something exciting. As I pushed the button, I saw "missed call" and looked at the number. The number to the hospital. Now I have been anticipating this call but to see it come up scared me. I blurted out "uh oh" and put the phone down. I stood there for a minute and debated in my head if I really was ready to hear the answer. I quickly succumbed to the curiosity and called the voicemail.
The nurse called, then the genetic counsellor. Both reported that the baby is absolutely perfect and completely healthy! Nothing wrong! Whew! What a relief! I was so excited I yelled out, "yes! Thank god!" I immediately sent everyone a text and called my daughter's grandma who is like my mother. She said she actually cried when I told her. Then I called back the genetic counselor to get confirmation its definitely a girl! There was still doubt in my head about that too! Lol. So I got it. Definitely, positively a girl! And definitely, positively healthy.
So now its time to start picking out girl stuff for my registry. As for the douchebag, I'm not even telling him he's having a girl. Or that his sperm created a girl, I should say. Screw the bastard. He's such a pathetic weasel! I really want him out of my life forever.
Hope everyones having a good day today!


Anonymous said...

I prayed everyday for you!



whaatamithinking said...

Awe! Thank you so much linda! :)

Anonymous said...

You're so welcome! Pray for me everyday between hub and myself we got appts all over the place. Once I retired (3 Years ago at age 52) my life went to hell. But I never worry until it's time to worry!

Please take him to court..don't pussy foot around with that one. You're child needs the $ and as the old cliche' goes "takes two too tangle".
