Thursday, February 10, 2011

Getting Physical at work.. you be the judge

I wanna tell you a story that happened last night at work and I want you give your honest opinion. I am really upset about this.

The situation:

Two guys I work with, (one of them being the muffin man) got into an argument a tthe end of the day. Now, ususally I am there with "The 5:00 crew" as we call ourselves. there are 5 of us. B, L, MM, Me, and Crazy Eyes. I actually left at 5:15/5:20 yesterday, and they were all still there. I still wonder if MM's inner turmoil had to do with what happened next but it went way too far. Crazy comes over and starts talkin his negativity to B, and MM makes a comment, "no one wants to hear it, ____" and Crazy gets annoyed. Then he continues talking to B, and MM says "B doesnt wanna hear it either" and since I wasnt there and I heard 2 sides to the story, I'm not sure exactly what happened to lead to the craziness that happened next. Somehow Crazy gets pushed to the point where he has his hands around MM's neck, shoves him into his door, breaks the door stopper in the wall to thepoint where there is now a huge hole in the wall, and continues to go at him like he's gonna punch him. but L jumps in, and holds back Crazy while he is literally almost foaming at the mouth. Finally he leaves after screaming, and a few minutes later comes back to start again! B and L stand in the way to stop it from happening, and he walks away.

The arguments:

Crazy told me that MM came out of his office starting with him and that he warned him 3 times to back off or he'd flip out. MM said nothing he said would make anyone that angry, unless hes just crazy. Ive seen MM push buttons. He makes me SO ANGRY!!!!!!!! But I would NEVER lay a hand on him. Crazy Eyes does have a little chemical imbalance and I've seen him fly off the handle and he is SCARY when he gets like that! No one and nothing can calm him down!

The history:

Crazy eyes and our branch manager have known each other for a long time. He has warned him many times to stop acting like that but as he always defends him he says, well he has a good heart. Also, crazy eyes is the biggest pruducer in the company. And the Branch manager can be quoted by me saying "if I didnt know he had a good heart, I'd fire him" and that was when he flipped out screaming when clients were in the building!

The punishment:

Crazy eyes called the BM first thing in the morning to confess to save his own ass, and declared he was staying home for the day. BM told him to stay home til Monday. That was it!!!

Later on Crazy eyes calls me to tell me "his side" since I am friends with both of them, and I don't know what to believe because I wasnt there. I dont care how well you know CE, how much money he makes, or who was right or wrong, that absolutely should NOT be allowed in a work environment! I honestly want to quit now. If I didnt need my job, I'd tell them how disgusted I am with the place and how unprofessional it is on SO many levels and leave. I am definitely going to look for a new job to not only find a more professional place, but to get away from the man who brings me too much pain in my life. The one who plans on going on yet another family vacation like everythings all fuckin honky dorey. fuck him!


Now you be the judge and give me your thoughts on this situation


Rafa said...

good thing you weren't there, you could've gotten hurt. Me personally though, I'd totally enjoy that shit. I'd get popcorn and watch. I love stupid people fighting, it's really entertaining because usually it's over something retarded. You should go on their vacation as well and not tell him. Just like "accidentally" be seen at places where he's at, just to fuck with him. That would rule.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I worked for the State of Calif and as a manager for many years, this absolutely would cause firing of crazy eyes.

Now, takes mounds of paperwork and about a year to fire anyone but that happened in my workplace back in 90s. One of my employees (didn't hire him) went off on a supervisor and punched the desk.

No lie, he was fired immediately. Sad, because he was so smart and we were friends. I came into work next morning and poof he was gone. All it took was one punch and not even to a live person!!!!


whaatamithinking said...

so crazy eyes calls me last night and jokes that he was fored... then calls this morning that he was suspended. when really he wasnt. he says "please. I can do whatever I want. I warned him THREE times!" I told him i'm really upset about it. the fact that he jokes around about it makes me think maybe he is like a child that looks for discipline. so maybe he is looking to get repromanded. the fact that he got no suspension pisses me off.