Wednesday, April 20, 2011

new worries

So the douche bag is right in the same building as me and I can't even talk to him about my disturbing news from the doctor. I spoke to the genetic counselor this morning who said my baby may have downs syndrome. Should be 1 in 400, but this is 1 in 5 chance. Everyone said "don't worry about that they tell that to everyone! And then their babies are fine!" But then I went to see my gynecologist and he said he was very concerned about it based on the numbers. He said don't worry about the 1 in 5 bc some patient was told 1 in 2 chance of having an unhealthy baby but her baby was perfectly normal. But he was more concerned based on the numbers. He asked if it runs in my family at all and if it runs in his. I said no. And as for him I don't think so. I'm gonna have to ask the asshole but he doesn't talk to me.
So my choices are: do I take the amniotic fluid test to get an answer that is only 85% true? Or do I just wait it out? Even if they say yes, I would never kill my baby.
It makes me sad though that he has completely abandoned me and I can't even go to him about this. The burden is all on me. But I did know that once he said he didn't wanna be involved.
Also I asked my dr about the whole due date and conception date. He said the conception date is still the same, he goes by the first day of the period and not to worry about all that. And also, judging by the fact that he was 45 at conception and is jewish he thinks that's also why my numbers are what they are. So I just have a new problem to worry about. I will text him and ask him if downs syndrome runs in his family anywhere nd I'll let you know.
(Sigh) never ends...


Rafa said...


whaatamithinking said...

Eh... I'm not really scared. I'm fine. If anyone can handle it its me and they're probably wrong anyway. I emailed the asshole and asked him about any history in downs syndrome. No answer. I wrote again 4 hours later a big email. Ill post it tomorrow. Maybe by then the db will answer.